favorite things

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things- April 2012

  • Cleaning out my bathroom and THROWING EVERY UNNECESSARY THING AWAY. 
  • Listening to this song on repeat. 
  • Discovering her blog about hiking, thrifting, and married life.  
  • Celebrating Easter with the whole family by drinking approximately 5 gallons of coffee in the sunshine together. 
  • Reading classic literature like The Help, and The Man Who Was Thursday.  Oh and The Lonely Hearts Club.  
  • Finalizing the date and details for the roadtrip I mentioned in my last "Favorite Things" blog post.  Be expecting some great pictures of the North Shore come late May, y'all.  
  • Doing what everybody else does when they have the house to themselves:  Dressing up in red lipstick, high heels and the only mini dress in my home and proceeding to strut around to Lady Gaga's song Fashion.
  •  Learning how to link things on my blog!  
  • Buying a 16gb memory card for Jarvis and basically having a heart attack when I discovered it can hold up to 3,500 photos.  
  • Taking Zumba classes at my homeschool co-op and enjoying the wonders of Latin Hip-Hop and the Reggaeton Stomp.  
  • Finally getting permission to share my sister's new blog You Been Cherry Bombed.  Check her out.  She's bearable.    


  1. THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED!?!? How is this possible!? Mine "only" holds a little over 2,000! DOH!
    Also, I tried googling Cherry's blog, and it came up with everything BUT Cherry's blog. Yay for the link!

  2. You are my favorite. That's all.
